Ysgol Harri Tudur | Henry Tudor School

Ysgol Harri Tudur | Henry Tudor School
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Director of Faculty:

Mr Geraint Williams


Deputy Director of Faculty:

Mrs Lyned MacKeen


Key Stage 3 Science

An epic investigative journey through the themes of Destroying, Saving and Leaving the Planet. Each year there will be different AOLE days such as the Christmas market when learners will showcase their learning to the community and wider audience. There will also be specific theme lessons throughout the year. Each topic will be assessed via graphs, variables, full investigation, end of topic test or something completely new and different (we are talking videos, stop motion animation, dramatic reflections, debates or whatever learners can come up with). Homeworks will be developed throughout the course giving pupils a choice of activities and include use of booklet online as well as other more traditional means of homework. We genuinely cannot wait to see what learners come up with.

science curriculum map

Year 7

Theme - Destroying the Planet

  • Topics - Transition, Energy Transfers, Food Chains and Acids and Alkali

Theme - Saving the Planet

  • Topics - Variation, Cells, Elements, Mixtures and Compounds and Renewable Energy

Theme - Leaving the Planet

  • Topics - Forces, Space and States of Matter

Year 8

Theme - Destroying the Planet

  • Topics - Health, Respiration, Microbes, Non-renewable Energy and Pollution

Theme - Saving the Planet

  • Topics - Classification, Genetics, Properties of Materials, Reproduction, Saving Energy and Sustainability

Theme - Leaving the Planet

  • Topics - Digestion, Electric circuits, Reactivity of Metals and Space

Key Stage 4 Science

Year 9, Year 10 and Year 11


The majority of pupils will follow the WJEC GCSE DOUBLE APPLIED SCIENCE qualification. This comprises 5 units of mixed biology, chemistry and physics topics and 2 practical/task based assessments. Each unit is examined at either foundation or higher tier. External exams take place in June 2023 and June 2024. Unit 1 and 2 have a weighting of 22.5%, unit 3 25% unit 4 20% and unit 5 10%. The cumulative total of these assessments will gain pupils a double GCSE grade (E.G A*A or BC)

The Applied course looks at real world applications and uses of Science through specified practicals, case studies, additional practicals and theory lessons.

Unit 1 - Energy Resources and the Environment External Exam - Summer Year 10

Unit 2 - Space, Health and Life External Exam - Summer Year 10

Unit 3 - Food Materials and Processes External Exam - Summer Year 11

Unit 4 - Task Based Assessment November-December in Year 11

Unit 5 - Practical Assessment January - February in Year 11

Foundation Tier - Grades C - U

Higher Tier - Grades A* - U


Pupils who opt for Science as an option will get the chance to gain a GCSE in BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY and PHYSICS individually.

Each separate GCSE Science consists of 3 units – 2 externally examined units and a practical assessment. The examined units each contribute 45% of the final grade, while the practical assessment contributes 10%. Each subject examined separately at either foundation or higher tier. External exams take place in June.

This option gives pupils 3 GCSEs in Science.

Key Stage 5 Science

Year 12 and 13

An A-Level in Science puts you in an extremely good position when you are applying to universities and is highly regarded by employers.


Biology covers how everything in the natural world functions, from plant to human life, so biology has the utmost relevance to the world. A-Level Biology is an interesting and easy-to-understand subject that broadly covers a range of topics and offers you access to a huge variety of fields in both university courses and careers.

If you are considering applying to university to study biology, zoology, ecology, animal science, marine biology, life sciences, medicine, environmental science, forensic science or any other subject related to the natural world, then A-Level Biology is essential, with many other courses preferring biology at either AS or A-Level.

Possible career choices that require A-Level Biology include: biological testing, biotechnology, independent research, food industry jobs, nutrition, medicine, doctor, nurse, veterinarian, zoologist, zookeeper, animal care, veterinary nurse, scientist, amongst a huge range of others.

AS Level Biology is also a great complementary subject, going hand-in-hand with physics, chemistry, mathematics, English, psychology, sociology and many other subjects.

AS Content

  • Two units are studied as part of the AS Biology course.
  • Practical log book is completed as part of course
  • Two theory papers are sat at the end of Year 12
  • Examinations include aspects of work from log books

A2 content

  • The A2 component is based on three units of study, two theoretical and one practical.
  • Preparation for practical aspect using experimental log book
  • In addition to the content each topic develops skills in working scientifically, mathematics, statistics and how science works.


Students in Year 12 and 13 study WJEC AS/A2 Level in Chemistry. In Year 12, fundamental ideas from GCSE are built upon and new concepts are introduced. At the end of the year, students will sit two examinations that each contribute 20% towards the final grade. In Year 13, the content is extended further and there are three examinations sat. A practical examination contributes 10% towards the end grade, while the final two written papers are worth 25% each. Throughout the two year course a series of practical activities must be carried out and evidence of these is kept in a log book that can be requested by the examination board.


Students in Year 12 and 13 study WJEC AS/A2 Level in Physics. In Year 12, fundamentals of physics are covered including such topics as particle physics, static and dynamic physics and Astrophysics. At the end of the year, students will sit two examinations that each contribute 20% towards the final grade. In Year 13, the content is extended further to include circular motion, Nuclear decay and lasers. One paper includes an option topic.There are three examinations. A practical examination contributes 10% towards the end grade, while the final two written papers are worth 25% each. Throughout the two year course a series of practical activities must be carried out and evidence of these is kept in a log book that can be requested by the examination board.

Applied Science

Students in Year 12 and 13 can choose to study for a BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Applied Science. In Year 12, two units are studied - one that is externally assessed via a written examination taken in January or June and a unit of internally assessed assignment work on practical techniques, both contributing 25% of the end grade. The written examination comprises content from biology, chemistry and physics and is a consolidation of some GCSE content with some extended content on fundamental ideas. In Year 13, a practically assessed unit comprises the majority of the content for the year and the examination for this can take place in January or June. A final smaller unit is made up of internally assessed assignments on the physiology of the human body.


Certificates have arrived in school for candidates who sat examinations in 2024. They can be collected from Reception after 10:00 a.m. Monday through Friday, from Monday 2nd December. Certificates will need to be signed for on collection. If the candidate is unable to collect them and they would like to send a family member or friend instead, please ensure they have a note or email from the candidate giving them permission to collect the certificates and ID to prove who they are. Read More…

Please note that school is routinely closed from the end of after school clubs on a Friday (4.30 pm) to 8.00 am on the following Monday. Work emails will not be answered during this period. Read More…

Parents, Guardians and Carers are kindly reminded that we have a number of learners who suffer with severe nut allergies; these learners are aware of their condition and will alert others who may put them at risk, by actions such as eating food containing nuts near to them. Please respect these requests; the consequence could be the initiation of an anaphylactic attack. Read More…

All drivers are requested to only park in designated parking areas; do not park in the Drop Off and Pick Up lane, in white hatched areas marked on the road, on the access road to and from the LRC or in the Bus Lane. Please also do not drop off by the roundabout.  Read More…

The school now has its own twitter account to promote important news and events as well as sharing celebrations of our learner's achievements. Please follow us on Twitter @YsgolHarriTudur. More detailed information can always be found on our school website www.yht.wales and also via the Ysgol Harri Tudur app. Please continue to get in touch with us in the usual ways. Read More…

All drivers are requested to use the designated Drop Off/Pick Up and parking sites whilst on the school site. Read More…

Please note there will be no Gymnastics Club after school on Thursday 20th February Read More…

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