Ysgol Harri Tudur | Henry Tudor School

Ysgol Harri Tudur | Henry Tudor School
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Situated at the heart of the school, the Library is a vital, vibrant learning hub of the school, offering a safe, stimulating space for all our learners and staff to read, study, work, think and be creative.

For all the latest news and updates from the Library, visit our Library Latest page.


Make the most of your Library Web app!

AccessIt Logo Transparent

Browse your Library online 24/7 with Accessit.

With Accessit, you can:

  • browse the catalogue
  • reserve books and other items
  • renew online and keep on top of your loans
  • find suggestions for good reads
  • find resources for your schoolwork - including information books, fiction, websites, video clips, magazines and journals, links to other sources, and more
  • create reading lists
  • read and write book reviews [earn house points for your reviews!]


How to log on and reserve a book:
  • To log on: Log onto your school Google account
  • Go to our Accessit page, (or, alternatively, go to your bookmarks in the browser and find 'YHT Library' which will take you to it)
  • Click on Guest near the top right of the page and then the blue button (Login via SSO)
  • Search for a title, author's name, keyword, etc in the Search box.
  • To reserve a book: Drag the cover of the item you'd like to reserve to the Reserves tab and hold it until a number appears in red. Alternatively, you can search for a book, click on the cover or title for more information, and then click the 'Make a Reserve/Booking' button. and then 'Reserve'.

For more information, watch the video on 'How to Reserve Books Using the You Click, We Pick and Deliver' service' on the Accessit dashboard.

You can collect your reserved items at breaktime or when you are booked in for a lesson with one of your classes in the Library!

Recommended Reads and Activities

A proven boost to our wellbeing and mental health, as well as a great way of keeping our minds active, is to lose ourselves in a good book!

Put your books for return in the Returns Box just inside the Library door.

Here are some recommendations from Mrs Smith for reading-related activities, videos and author and illustrator websites; suggestions for book, ebook and audiobook sources; and suggested good reads, etc.

Mrs Smith is happy to help with any questions regarding reading for pleasure, book recommendations, research and study skills, and print and online information sources. Just get in touch.

Opening Times

Your Library is open throughout the day Monday - Thursday 8.30 am - 4.30 pm, and 8.30 am - 3.15 pm on Fridays.

... for browsing, borrowing, study and homework help, research, reading, listening, creating, sharing, exploring and discovering...

As well as being open throughout the day for classes, small groups and individuals, we are open for Year 7, 8 and Sixth Form learners in their two breaks, and then for Year 9, 10 and 11 learners in their two breaks.

During some breaktimes, specific clubs are on offer for learners to take part in; the Library will be closed at these times for those activities to take place.

While every effort has been made to minimize this, owing to timetabling constraints, some breaks for Years 9, 10 and 11 will be closed to allow lessons for Year 7 or 8 learners to take place. A timetable will be posted outside the Library giving details of those breaks affected.

Clubs in the Library

The Library offers a range of clubs in breaktimes and after school, allowing our learners to take advantage of a supportive, welcoming environment to enjoy their interests and meet others with similar interests.

For Year 7 and 8 learners:

  • Mindful Monday - Chill & Create (Monday, Break 1A). Start the week with some relaxing mindful colouring, drawing, creative writing, origami and simple craft activities.
  • Rebel Readers Club (Tuesday, Break 1A). For books and biscuits, activities and games, chat and fun! Share your favourites, discover new authors and books, and meet others who share your interests.
  • Read to Relax (Wednesday, Break 1A). Time to sit back and enjoy some great reads in a relaxed, comfortable and quiet environment.
  • Comics and Manga Club (Thursday, Break 1A). Sharing, drawing, reading comics and manga series, plus games and activities.
  • Games Friday (Friday, Break 1A). End the week with a game of Uno, Top Trumps, Chess, Bananagrams, Articulate, Boggle and lots of other board games.

Break 1A is allocated for specific clubs to take place, allowing learners to explore their specific interests in a dedicated space, closed for other activities.
Break 2A is then available for learners to enjoy the Library to browse, borrow, read, research, and discover.

For Year 9, 10 and 11 learners:

  • Readers of the Round Table Club (Thursday, Break 1B). For books and biscuits, activities, chat and fun! Extend your reading, discover new books and authors to try and have the chance to share your opinions and ideas.
  • Comics and Manga Club (Friday, Break 1B). Sharing, drawing, reading comics and manga series, plus games and activities.

After school clubs open to all learners:

  • Chess Tournament (Monday from 3.15 - 4.15 pm): Whether just starting to learn, or experienced or somewhere in between, all are welcome to join other learners and staff to develop your chess skills!
  • Gaming Society (Tuesday from 3.15 pm - 4.30 pm): Building on the success and popularity of our D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) Club, this new, extended club offers D&D, as well as all kinds of board games, role-playing games and tabletop games. Play head-to-head, as part of a larger group or solo! The school would like to thank Kienda Game, Bedsit Game and Big Potato games for their generous and kind donations to boost our existing games collection. Players in all years, whether experienced or beginner, are all welcome!
  • Choices Club (every Friday 2:00 - 3:15 pm): Friday Enrichment afternoon for anyone who wants to stay to read, be creative, explore their interests or work on homework after the end of formal learning.


Classes in the Library

During lesson time the Library is frequently buzzing with classes who have been brought in by teaching staff to undertake learning-related activities. Mrs Smith, the Librarian, works in partnership with the class teacher to prepare and run the lessons, enabling pupils to enrich and extend what they are learning in the classroom, as well as develop their all-important independent learning skills and confidence in using the wealth of resources, online and print, available to them.

At the start of Year 7, all pupils visit the Library on a regular basis in their Transition Curriculum lessons to help them familiarise themselves with their new Library, getting to grips with strategies for learning, and for finding, choosing and using information. They then consolidate those skills on future visits with their teachers to investigate specific topics further over the course of the year, and continuing into other years.

In their monthly 'IRead' lessons in English, Year 7 pupils are helped along their personal reading journeys, being introduced to a variety of genres, authors and themes and new strategies for discovering exciting things to read. They are given a Reading Journal, which is their creative space for responding to their reading.


Library Activities and Events

A series of ongoing fun activities - some one-off, some annual or termly - help to give pupils an extra perspective on reading and learning. The Library runs a calendar of events, displays and activities throughout the year.

Harry Potter Display 2019 001

Harry Potter Book Night

The new hall at Ysgol Harri Tudur was transformed into Hogwarts Grand Hall as pupils and students enjoyed a range of Potter-related activities, including mind-bending quizzes and an explosive session on "Science or Magic" very kindly provided by Mr Male. Books on our display just flew off the shelves before and after the event!

Fall in Love with a Book

Fall in Love with a Book
To mark Valentine's Day, pupils and students were invited to go on a 'blind date' with a book, choosing from a selection of good reads chosen by the Rebel Readers and Readers of the Round Table. The books were wrapped in brown paper, with a one-line taster on the outside. Before unwrapping, pupils and students pledged to read and rate the book, and were promised a small prize on its return.



Certificates have arrived in school for candidates who sat examinations in 2024. They can be collected from Reception after 10:00 a.m. Monday through Friday, from Monday 2nd December. Certificates will need to be signed for on collection. If the candidate is unable to collect them and they would like to send a family member or friend instead, please ensure they have a note or email from the candidate giving them permission to collect the certificates and ID to prove who they are. Read More…

Please note that school is routinely closed from the end of after school clubs on a Friday (4.30 pm) to 8.00 am on the following Monday. Work emails will not be answered during this period. Read More…

Parents, Guardians and Carers are kindly reminded that we have a number of learners who suffer with severe nut allergies; these learners are aware of their condition and will alert others who may put them at risk, by actions such as eating food containing nuts near to them. Please respect these requests; the consequence could be the initiation of an anaphylactic attack. Read More…

All drivers are requested to only park in designated parking areas; do not park in the Drop Off and Pick Up lane, in white hatched areas marked on the road, on the access road to and from the LRC or in the Bus Lane. Please also do not drop off by the roundabout.  Read More…

The school now has its own twitter account to promote important news and events as well as sharing celebrations of our learner's achievements. Please follow us on Twitter @YsgolHarriTudur. More detailed information can always be found on our school website www.yht.wales and also via the Ysgol Harri Tudur app. Please continue to get in touch with us in the usual ways. Read More…

All drivers are requested to use the designated Drop Off/Pick Up and parking sites whilst on the school site. Read More…

Please note there will be no Gymnastics Club after school on Thursday 20th February Read More…

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